Winter storage in Heeg, Friesland

Winter storage in Heeg, Friesland

For the winter season, we provide both on-shore storage and covered storage in our insulated shed. Your boat will be professionally placed on a sturdy trestle, so that you don’t have to worry about your ship even during the winter months.

The rates for winter storage can be found on the page ‘options and rates

Our winter storage rate includes the following:

  • in and out hoisting of your ship
  • claening the underwater hull with a high-pressure washer 150 Bar
  • wash the hull with soap and water
  • transport from the crane to the storage area / shed

The winter storage starts from October 1 of the current year to approx. April 1 of the following year. It is not allowed to leave gas bottles on board in the hall and in the storage area during winter storage.

For other rates, see the list of rates (subject to change).

We can carry out all common maintenance work for you during the storage period, see the maintenance pag

Options and rates

(subject tot change)

Price list winter storage 2022 Price including 21% VAT
Milieukosten 1% van totaal
Stalling buiten op de wal € 20,00 per m2
Stalling in geisoleerde loods € 45,00 per m2
Huur bok € 45,-
Boot naar kraan varen / naar box brengen Uurloon
Aftuigen schip Uurloon
Mast strijken of zetten (tot max. 2 uur) € 97,50
Opslag en controle zeilen € 31,- per set
Opslag, controle en bijladen accu € 25,- per stuk < 70 Amp, € 30,- per stuk < 70 Amp
Winterkleed aanbrengen Uurloon
Winterklaar maken motor Materiaal + uurloon
Winterklaar maken schip, (toilet, wasbak etc) Materiaal + uurloon
Servicebeurt inboard- / buitenboordmotor Materiaal + uurloon
Opslag buitenboordmotor (excl. benzinetank) € 50,00
Afspuiten onderwaterschip met meter1 € 4,75
Inspectietarief tot 8 meter scheepslengte € 106,75 in/uit
Inspectietarief boven 8 meter scheepslengte € 117,- in/uit
Schip uit het water op trailer plaatsen € 65,00
Schip van trailer in het water leggen € 65,00
Nieuwe laag antifouling Materiaal + uurloon
Schilderen romp Materiaal + uurloon
Poetsen en in de was zetten romp Materiaal + uurloon

Stalling boten in de hal in voorjaar, zomer en najaar (prijs exclusief kranen, afspuiten en bokhuur)

Minimumtarief (1 dag inclusief in en uitrijden) € 62,50
Elke volgende dag voor vaste ligplaatshouders € 17,80 per dag
Voor langere termijn zomerstalling vraag offerte
Manuur € 65,00 incl. BTW

Reservation of winter storage

You can easily reserve a place online for the winter via e-mail for winter storage. When you contact us per e-mail and press the ‘send’ button, we will receive your reservation immediately. You will also receive a copy of the reservation in your e-mail box.